Monday, May 3, 2010

The Beginning....

Hi. For those of you who are new to my blogging page, welcome. For those of you who have visited before, as you can see, I have changed things around (deleted everything). I am taking my blogging down a different path. When I originally started my blog, it was based soley on my weight loss goals and my road to get there however, I have found that it is time to change things up a bit. I will still be blogging about my weight loss journey but my main blogging will simply be about life in story, if you will.

I am typically a very "to myself" kinda girl however, I was introduced to the blogging world by a friend and have found it VERY interesting (or addicting, depends on how you look at it - LOL). I have come across the most interesting blogs...blogs that make me laugh, smile or cry...blogs about changing your life and getting fit...blogs about heartbreak...blogs about loss...blogs about love and blogs simply about life. The blogs that I follow are those of amazing women out there who have a story to tell. I thank each of you for taking time out of your lives to share your story with the is so inspiring and at times when I struggle with things in my own life, I can just reach into someone elses world for a minute and leave my worries behind. For that...thank you!

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